Crow & Dog
Written by Zachariah SmooklerThere are certain animals that hold a very special place in Japanese culture, and this can be seen through their inclusion in folklore, traditional sculptures, and spiritual symbolism. Two of the more well-known animals in Japanese tradition, the inu [dog] and karasu [crow] play pivotal roles across countless mythological tales and their symbolization can be found throughout many aspects of daily life in Japan.

Much like the dog, crows are a major player across Japanese folklore and have a heavy symbolic meaning. Traditionally known as spiritual birds that carry spirits, a famous folklore depicts crows as the birds of death. It was believed that when a crow cawed loudly, there was a death nearby. While this depiction may seem like the crow has a negative association, that could not be further from the truth. Japanese culture places a great emphasis on these birds and they believe that they symbolize gratitude, guidance, divineness and good luck. Known as one of the holiest birds in all of Japan, the crow has significant involvement in Japanese mythology. Numerous tales depict crows intervening in human affairs, along with acting as a trustworthy guide during times of need. Even after growing up in Tokyo, it somehow evaded me that the symbol of the Japanese Football Association [JFA] is the yatagarasu, the famous three-legged crow who guided the first Emperor of Japan, Emperor Jinmu, on his eastern expedition by holding up a torch.
Overall, the dog and the crow hold significant meaning across Japanese culture. Two of our most popular brews, the Daitengu “Heavenly Dog” Tokubetsu Junmai and the Daitengu “Crow” Tokubetsu Junmai come in beautiful ceramic vessels styled as both a dog and a crow.